Share Your Ancestor's Story

The Museum invites descendants of the United States Colored Troops (USCT) to publicly present their family member's ancestral information on the first Saturday of each month.

Since the dedication of the African American Civil War Memorial on July 18, 1998, the African American Civil War Memorial Freedom Foundation and Museum have maintained a large network of descendants of the USCT. 

These descendants play a significant role in sharing these Soldiers’ history and personal stories. We have connected with over 4,000 descendants and collected over 200 filmed narratives through the Descendants Oral History Project.

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Featured: Beverly McDonald delivers a presentation on her ancestor, Robert Burdett, of the 12th United States Colored Heavy Artillery Regiment.
Descendants Oral History Project Presentations Presentations
Discovering Daniel Grant Descendant Presentation
Moses Smith 1st US Colored Heavy Artilitery Descendant’s Presentation
Gunter Green (Green Gunter) 119th USCT Descendant’s Day Presentation March 1, 2014
Albert Burks
Descendants Presentation Denise Griggs -Peter Hunt
Descendants Presentation Alvin Blakes Philip McWhorter
Descendants Presentation Vernita Morgan Absalon and Ezekiel Dimery
Your Real Name is Garrett with Audrey Hinton
How can you present your Ancestor's story?

Please consider the following guidelines and tips below:

How do I schedule my presentation?
Please complete this registration form to schedule your presentation. We suggest you submit your form at least 30 days before your preferred presentation date. A staff member will send you a confirmation email if the date and time are available. Please inform the Museum about the format of your presentation (i.e., PowerPoint, poster, etc.). We require you to submit a copy of your presentation at least one week before your scheduled date and time if you will be using PowerPoint.
What time does the Museum schedule presentations?

The Museum schedules presentations between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. EST on your designated presentation day.

What equipment does the Museum provide for presentations?

Presentations are currently conducted via zoom. The Museum will provide the zoom link for the presentation. 

What are some presentation day tips?
  • Please speak loud and clear while presenting since the Museum will record the presentation. The confirmation email will include a release form for you to sign if you did not complete it during registration.
  • Presentations should not be longer than 25 minutes. We will allow 10 minutes for questions after the presentation.
What information should my presentation include?

Presentations should include some of the following information:

  • Soldier’s Name.
  • Age.
  • Place of Birth (if known).
  • Rank.
  • Regiment/Company (type of regiment, i.e., infantry, cavalry, artillery, etc.).
  • Date of Enlistment.
  • Date of Muster out of Service.
  • Details of Service (what they did, if known).
  • Information about the Soldier before the war (enslaved status, occupation, family).
  • Information about the Soldier after the war (home, occupation, activities, family).
  • Date of death (if known).
  • Family (information about immediate family, how you are related to the Soldier).
What if I'm unable to present during one of the scheduled presentation dates?

If you are unable to present during one of our scheduled presentation dates, you may do the following options:

  • Schedule another time to conduct a presentation.
  • Conduct a private one-on-one interview.
  • Submit a pre-filmed presentation to the Museum to add to our collection.
How can I apply for a certificate of honor for my Ancestor?

For more information about the Descendants Oral History Project and how to locate military documents, please contact Dawn Chitty at info(at)

  • Please complete a descendants registration form to schedule your presentation. We suggest you submit your form a month before your preferred presentation date. A staff member will send you a confirmation email if the date and time are available.
  • Please inform the museum about the format of your presentation (i.e., PowerPoint, poster, etc.). We require you to submit a copy of your presentation at least one week before your scheduled date and time if you will be using PowerPoint.
  • The museum has Internet access, a computer, a projector, and a screen available for your presentation. Please let the museum know what items you will need in advance.
  • Presenters should check in at least 15 minutes before their scheduled presentation time. 
  • Please speak loud and clear while presenting. The museum will record the presentation. The confirmation email will include a release form for you to sign if you did not sign it during the registration process.
  • Presentations should not be longer than 25 minutes. We will allow 10 minutes for questions after the presentation.
  • Presentations should include some of the following information:
    • Soldier’s Name
    • Age
    • Place of Birth (if known)
    • Rank
    • Regiment/Company (type of regiment, i.e., infantry, cavalry, artillery, etc.)
    • Date of Enlistment
    • Date of Muster out of Service
    • Details of Service (what they did, if known)
    • Information about the soldier before the war (enslaved status, occupation, family)
    • Information about the soldier after the war (home, occupation, activities, family)
    • Date of death (if known)
    • Family (information about immediate family, how you are related to the soldier)

If you are unable to present during one of our scheduled presentation dates, you may do the following options:

  • Schedule another time to conduct a presentation.
  • Conduct a private one-on-one interview.
  • Submit a pre-filmed presentation to the museum to add to our collection.


Descendants may request a certificate of honor from the museum by filling out our descendants registration form.

The Department of Veteran Affairs also has a Presidential Memorial Certificate application.

For more information about the Descendants Oral History Project and how to locate military documents, please contact Dawn Chitty at info(at)