Wall of Freedom

Leave your mark at the
African American Civil War Museum
with a Legacy Brick.

Your brick will be proudly displayed for generations to come and will help fund the development of new museum exhibitions. 

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Current AACWM Legacy Brick Owners

Donor NameBrick Text
Karen AdebiyiKaren Adebiyi
AJ AiseiritheAJ Aiseirithe
Dayo AkinsheyeDexter B. Akensheye
Leona AndersonLeona, Diallo, Kassius, Nichelle, Jade, Eli, Maya Anderson
Sarah AndersonSarah Anderson
Ron ArmsteadRon Armstead
Lynette AtychLynette Atych
Jewel R BaileyFletcher and Katie Thomas Lee Family
Jewel R BaileyWilliam and Nancy Thomas I. 54th Infantry Regiment USCT Ark
Jewel R BaileyJewel R. Dyer Bailey
Jewel R BaileyErnest Andrew and Zell Lee Dyer
George BanksGeorge Banks
Mary BelcherMary Belcher
Patricia BitondoPat and Ron Bitondo
James BlacknellDedicated by James and Michele Blacknell
Thomas BlantonThomas and Marsha Blanton
Phylicia BowmanPhylicia Bowman
Alford BrendaAlford Brenda
Sheila BrooksThe Sheila A. Brooks Family
Bruce and Minerva BurnexCol (Ret) Bruce and Minerva Burnex
Jocelyn BushThe Alonzo Jackson Family
David CarllSacrificed his freedom to free those enslaved, 26th USCT Regiment
Valerie ChisholmOtis Moore Family (Korea)
Valerie Chisholm

Margaret Val Linda Che Clare Avani Line2: Ravi Carlos Peter Anthony (Vietnam)

James ClarkJames Clark
Lynette ClarkLynette Clark
Burnetta Coles SpeightBurnetta Coles Speight
Brenda ColonWilfred Colon, Brenda Colon
Sharon Cornish-ScottSharon Cornish - Scott
Philip DavidPhilip David
Percy DavisCalvin Washington Scott -14th Infantry, Company A
DC for DemocracyDC for Democracy
Dedric DennistDedric R. Dennist, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc
Linda DickinsonWilliam and Linda Dickinson
Aida DunnTracy, Sadie and Aida Dunn
Linda DyerThe Fred and Linda Dyer Family
Louis FordLouis Ford
Steven FrancisMary Francis
Carl FrancisCarl Francis
Karen FranciscoKaren Francisco
Harrine FreemanHarrine Freeman
Lynn C FrenchLynn C. French
Edward GanttEdward Gantt
Sheila GardnerIn honor of my ancestors Sheila Adams Gardner
Judy Gibney HumphreyJesse Colon and W.C. Colon
Peggy GodettePeggy Godette
Harvey GoodingHarvey Gooding
Susan GoodmanSam
Carol GordonCarol and Robert Gordon
Shannon GordonLine 1: PVT Oscar Daniel Banks Line 2: 100th USCT Co. I
Shannon GordonLine 1: PVT Howison Pinn, Jr Line 2: 42nd USCT Co. K
Letha GranberryLetha Granberry
Ralleigh Grandberry IIIRalleigh Grandberry III
E. Dawn Griffin-O'NealThe Family of Charles H. Griffin
Dana HalllmanIn memory of James Randall
Dana HallmanIn memory of Obie Hallman
Gail HansberryGail Hansberry
Robert HarrisRobert Harris
Michelle HawkinsMichelle Hawkins
ElizabethHelm-FrazierTheola B. Melton, Army
Elizabeth Helm-FrazierRebecca Isaac, Army
Elizabeth Helm-FrazierD.E. Helm-Army Mom, Rudy Ennis-Army Mom
Robert HemingwayRobert Hemingway
Norman HillNorman Hill
Simon and Robyn Hinson-JonesSimon and Robyn Hinson-Jones
Linda Holland-JeffersonHolland-Jefferson
Catherine HowardCatherine Howard
Melvin HumphreyWilliam W. and Virginia A. Humphrey
Burnell IrbyBurnell Irby
Lee JerilynLee Jerilyn
Margaret JohnstonMargaret Johnston
Clara J JonesClara J. Jones
Juanita KatonJuanita Katon
Patricia KingPatricia King
Diana KingDiana King
William KlineWilliam "Bill" Kline
Latonya KyerLatonya Kyer
Millicent Lacey-WritMillicent Lacey-Writ
Malene LawrenceCurtis and Corey Doku Lawrence
Rosa LeeNedra K. Lee
Rosa LeeRosa E. Lee, Retired Social Worker, DHS & DCPS
Rosa LeePhyllis A. Lee, Retired Educator DCPS 1969 -2005
Eric Antoine LoganEric Antoine Logan
Fern LucasFern Lucas
Sharon LucusSharon Lucus
John T MathisonReducing Gun Violence
Janice M McFaddenJanice M. McFadden Chicago, Illinois
Michele McKessonThe W. Kevin and Michele Daniels Family
Bryan McLainOut of the many hopes and dreams...I arrived, survived and thrived
EmileMilneEmile Milne and Claudette Warner-Milne
Levonnia MobleyWe Honor the Men Who Served L.Jeanette Mobley
Pierpont and Jeanette MobleyPierpont and Jeanette Mobley
Madeline AMorrisMarvin and Suzi Morris Beloved Brother and Sister
Cherryl NeillCherryl Neill
Jill NewmarkJill Newmark
Doris NewtonDoris Newton
McGhee OsseFrantz & McGhee Osse
Cindy PagliuzzaCindy Pagliuzza
Christopher ParrisThe Parris Family of Columbia, Maryland
Bill PatersonBill Paterson
Dee PearsonDr. Dee and Karen Pearson
Anthony PerezDedicated in memory of Samuel Tipps Anthony Perez - Great Great Grandson
Alan PhilpottAlan Philpott
Henry Polee JrHenry Polee Jr. and Earline London
Jonathan M PsotkaJonathan Psotka and Linda Mak
Tanya RayTanya Ray
Shirley Rivens SmithShirley Rivens Smith
Walter K RobinsonWalter K. Robinson
Patricia RosierPatricia Rosier
Bobbie S SampsonBobbie Sampson
James ShortJames Short
Frank SiegelDorothy Zellner
Montgomery SimsMontgomery Sims
John SingletonJohn Singleton
Valeria SmithValeria M. Smith
Susan SmithTo honor their service for freedom
Camille SmithCamile Smith
Frank SmithFrank Smith
Karen SzulgitKaren Szulgit
Keith ThackreyKeith Thackrey
Ruby M ThomasSgt Charles Brown Deep Family Roots Ruby Brown-Thomas
Alice ThomasAlice Thomas
Mary H ThompsonMary H. Thompson
Deborah ThorntonEdgar T. Thornton, III, Deborah Thornton
Michelle TitiMichelle Titi
Shirley TurnerShirley Turner
Adella UnderdownAdella Underdown
Jaunita WadeJuanita Brooks Wade, Kenneth Darnell Wade
Alice WalkerAlice J. Walker, Native Washingtonian
Jacqueline WalkerJacqueline D. Walker Family
Larry WestLarry West
Ann WilcoxAnn Wilcox
Shelore WilliamsShelore A.C. Williams
Shelore WilliamsCary Joseph Williams
Judy WilliamsThe Stanley and Judy Williams Family
Shelore WilliamsShelore Williams
Stan WilliamsStan Williams
David WinslowDavid Winslow