Your brick will be proudly displayed for generations to come and will help fund the development of new museum exhibitions.
Donor Name | Brick Text |
Karen Adebiyi | Karen Adebiyi |
AJ Aiseirithe | AJ Aiseirithe |
Dayo Akinsheye | Dexter B. Akensheye |
Leona Anderson | Leona, Diallo, Kassius, Nichelle, Jade, Eli, Maya Anderson |
Sarah Anderson | Sarah Anderson |
Ron Armstead | Ron Armstead |
Lynette Atych | Lynette Atych |
Jewel R Bailey | Fletcher and Katie Thomas Lee Family |
Jewel R Bailey | William and Nancy Thomas I. 54th Infantry Regiment USCT Ark |
Jewel R Bailey | Jewel R. Dyer Bailey |
Jewel R Bailey | Ernest Andrew and Zell Lee Dyer |
George Banks | George Banks |
Mary Belcher | Mary Belcher |
Patricia Bitondo | Pat and Ron Bitondo |
James Blacknell | Dedicated by James and Michele Blacknell |
Thomas Blanton | Thomas and Marsha Blanton |
Phylicia Bowman | Phylicia Bowman |
Alford Brenda | Alford Brenda |
Sheila Brooks | The Sheila A. Brooks Family |
Bruce and Minerva Burnex | Col (Ret) Bruce and Minerva Burnex |
Jocelyn Bush | The Alonzo Jackson Family |
David Carll | Sacrificed his freedom to free those enslaved, 26th USCT Regiment |
Valerie Chisholm | Otis Moore Family (Korea) |
Valerie Chisholm | Margaret Val Linda Che Clare Avani Line2: Ravi Carlos Peter Anthony (Vietnam) |
James Clark | James Clark |
Lynette Clark | Lynette Clark |
Burnetta Coles Speight | Burnetta Coles Speight |
Brenda Colon | Wilfred Colon, Brenda Colon |
Sharon Cornish-Scott | Sharon Cornish - Scott |
Philip David | Philip David |
Percy Davis | Calvin Washington Scott -14th Infantry, Company A |
DC for Democracy | DC for Democracy |
Dedric Dennist | Dedric R. Dennist, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc |
Linda Dickinson | William and Linda Dickinson |
Aida Dunn | Tracy, Sadie and Aida Dunn |
Linda Dyer | The Fred and Linda Dyer Family |
Louis Ford | Louis Ford |
Steven Francis | Mary Francis |
Carl Francis | Carl Francis |
Karen Francisco | Karen Francisco |
Harrine Freeman | Harrine Freeman |
Lynn C French | Lynn C. French |
Edward Gantt | Edward Gantt |
Sheila Gardner | In honor of my ancestors Sheila Adams Gardner |
Judy Gibney Humphrey | Jesse Colon and W.C. Colon |
Peggy Godette | Peggy Godette |
Harvey Gooding | Harvey Gooding |
Susan Goodman | Sam |
Carol Gordon | Carol and Robert Gordon |
Shannon Gordon | Line 1: PVT Oscar Daniel Banks Line 2: 100th USCT Co. I |
Shannon Gordon | Line 1: PVT Howison Pinn, Jr Line 2: 42nd USCT Co. K |
Letha Granberry | Letha Granberry |
Ralleigh Grandberry III | Ralleigh Grandberry III |
E. Dawn Griffin-O'Neal | The Family of Charles H. Griffin |
Dana Halllman | In memory of James Randall |
Dana Hallman | In memory of Obie Hallman |
Gail Hansberry | Gail Hansberry |
Robert Harris | Robert Harris |
Michelle Hawkins | Michelle Hawkins |
ElizabethHelm-Frazier | Theola B. Melton, Army |
Elizabeth Helm-Frazier | Rebecca Isaac, Army |
Elizabeth Helm-Frazier | D.E. Helm-Army Mom, Rudy Ennis-Army Mom |
Robert Hemingway | Robert Hemingway |
Norman Hill | Norman Hill |
Simon and Robyn Hinson-Jones | Simon and Robyn Hinson-Jones |
Linda Holland-Jefferson | Holland-Jefferson |
Catherine Howard | Catherine Howard |
Melvin Humphrey | William W. and Virginia A. Humphrey |
Burnell Irby | Burnell Irby |
Lee Jerilyn | Lee Jerilyn |
Margaret Johnston | Margaret Johnston |
Clara J Jones | Clara J. Jones |
Juanita Katon | Juanita Katon |
Patricia King | Patricia King |
Diana King | Diana King |
William Kline | William "Bill" Kline |
Latonya Kyer | Latonya Kyer |
Millicent Lacey-Writ | Millicent Lacey-Writ |
Malene Lawrence | Curtis and Corey Doku Lawrence |
Rosa Lee | Nedra K. Lee |
Rosa Lee | Rosa E. Lee, Retired Social Worker, DHS & DCPS |
Rosa Lee | Phyllis A. Lee, Retired Educator DCPS 1969 -2005 |
Eric Antoine Logan | Eric Antoine Logan |
Fern Lucas | Fern Lucas |
Sharon Lucus | Sharon Lucus |
John T Mathison | Reducing Gun Violence |
Janice M McFadden | Janice M. McFadden Chicago, Illinois |
Michele McKesson | The W. Kevin and Michele Daniels Family |
Bryan McLain | Out of the many hopes and dreams...I arrived, survived and thrived |
EmileMilne | Emile Milne and Claudette Warner-Milne |
Levonnia Mobley | We Honor the Men Who Served L.Jeanette Mobley |
Pierpont and Jeanette Mobley | Pierpont and Jeanette Mobley |
Madeline AMorris | Marvin and Suzi Morris Beloved Brother and Sister |
Cherryl Neill | Cherryl Neill |
Jill Newmark | Jill Newmark |
Doris Newton | Doris Newton |
McGhee Osse | Frantz & McGhee Osse |
Cindy Pagliuzza | Cindy Pagliuzza |
Christopher Parris | The Parris Family of Columbia, Maryland |
Bill Paterson | Bill Paterson |
Dee Pearson | Dr. Dee and Karen Pearson |
Anthony Perez | Dedicated in memory of Samuel Tipps Anthony Perez - Great Great Grandson |
Alan Philpott | Alan Philpott |
Henry Polee Jr | Henry Polee Jr. and Earline London |
Jonathan M Psotka | Jonathan Psotka and Linda Mak |
Tanya Ray | Tanya Ray |
Shirley Rivens Smith | Shirley Rivens Smith |
Walter K Robinson | Walter K. Robinson |
Patricia Rosier | Patricia Rosier |
Bobbie S Sampson | Bobbie Sampson |
James Short | James Short |
Frank Siegel | Dorothy Zellner |
Montgomery Sims | Montgomery Sims |
John Singleton | John Singleton |
Valeria Smith | Valeria M. Smith |
Susan Smith | To honor their service for freedom |
Camille Smith | Camile Smith |
Frank Smith | Frank Smith |
Karen Szulgit | Karen Szulgit |
Keith Thackrey | Keith Thackrey |
Ruby M Thomas | Sgt Charles Brown Deep Family Roots Ruby Brown-Thomas |
Alice Thomas | Alice Thomas |
Mary H Thompson | Mary H. Thompson |
Deborah Thornton | Edgar T. Thornton, III, Deborah Thornton |
Michelle Titi | Michelle Titi |
Shirley Turner | Shirley Turner |
Adella Underdown | Adella Underdown |
Jaunita Wade | Juanita Brooks Wade, Kenneth Darnell Wade |
Alice Walker | Alice J. Walker, Native Washingtonian |
Jacqueline Walker | Jacqueline D. Walker Family |
Larry West | Larry West |
Ann Wilcox | Ann Wilcox |
Shelore Williams | Shelore A.C. Williams |
Shelore Williams | Cary Joseph Williams |
Judy Williams | The Stanley and Judy Williams Family |
Shelore Williams | Shelore Williams |
Stan Williams | Stan Williams |
David Winslow | David Winslow |
1925 Vermont Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20001
Ph. 202-667-2667
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